How to reset your password for Xbox Live and Outlook two Microsoft online services

You may want to think about making the switch now that Microsoft has allowed you to remove your passwords for Xbox Live, Outlook.com, and other online accounts. Convenience and security may be increased by dumping your logins.

Giving up your password may increase security, if only because it eliminates the need for you to remember how to access your accounts. Because we all have too many passwords to remember, we often wind up using the same ones across many websites. You understand what it implies: Multiple accounts may be compromised in a single data breach. (To reduce the effort, you can use a password manager, although these may be challenging to use.)

Additionally, if a website is compromised, a hacker won’t have a password to steal thanks to passwordless login. Passwordless logins may also prevent phishing attempts, which attempt to get login credentials by using fake websites.

The announcement of Microsoft’s post-password push coincides with a significant modernization effort. On Wednesday, the business will launch new Surface products. Microsoft plans to deliver Office 2021 and Windows 11 next month.

Passwordless login is made possible by a number of advancements, including biometrics like fingerprint and face ID; the growing use of authenticator apps by companies like Microsoft, Google, and Okta; and a fundamental enabling standard known as FIDO, or Fast Identity Online, which is compatible with all operating systems and browsers. One of FIDO’s capabilities is the ability to enable hardware security keys, the most secure login lockdown option.

Beyond passwords

Password dumps may really increase your security.
The top password organizer for 2021
It’s now simpler to utilize security keys on all of your devices to prevent hackers.
200 million of us have enabled passwordless login so far since Microsoft is one of the leading proponents of login reform. By deleting the password, it is now encouraging us to proceed. Although it may sound drastic, as the technology advances, it’s likely that you’ll see more passwordless alternatives.

Andrew Shikiar, executive director of the FIDO Alliance, said, “Taken together, the lessons learned from these early adopters will help establish best practices for other companies that are looking to follow suit.” “Virtually every top bank and service provider that I’ve spoken to absolutely has FIDO on their roadmap and is working through the technical and user experience considerations needed to successfully protect their customers as well.”

To leak your Microsoft password, follow these steps:

On your phone, install and configure Microsoft Authenticator. The app is compatible with iPhones and Android-powered handsets. Launch it after installation, then connect it to your Microsoft online account:

Links to download Microsoft Authenticator
Link to download Microsoft Authenticator
Additionally, open the Microsoft account settings page (https://account.microsoft.com/) in a browser and log in. Access the “Security” area:

The Microsoft account page
Select “Advanced security options” from the menu:

Advanced security for Microsoft accounts
In the “Additional security” area, scroll down and choose “Turn on” for “Passwordless account.” whether you’re worried about the consequences, you may also explore the “Learn more if it is right for you” section.

Turn on Microsoft’s passwordless login.
The Microsoft Authenticator software on your phone will first urge you to set up passwordless access before requesting your approval:

The passwordless approval procedure for Microsoft accounts
That’s it. You have lost your password:

You may re-enable it using the same “Advanced security options” procedure if you would want it to return:

Categories: Tech